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How To Add Sub-Users
Fin avatar
Written by Fin
Updated over a week ago

You can add multiple users with varying rights on Detrack for your managers, sales support staff, customer service officers, packers or any person who can benefit from the data fed into Detrack.

Once the sub-user has been added into Detrack, he / she will receive an invite email sent from Detrack with the URL for them to set their own password for the Detrack login.

Below is a quick summary of the user types you can add and their rights:


  1. Has access to all the information in the organization database on Detrack’s web App.

  2. Able to utilize the filter and search functions.

  3. Able to add in contacts.

  4. Able to upload deliveries and collections, make changes or edit information.

  5. Able to assign drivers to deliveries and edit information.

Customer Support Officers (CSO)

  1. Has access to all the information in the organization database on Detrack’s web App.

  2. Able to utilize the filter and search functions.

  3. No editing and uploading rights.


  1. Has access to all the information in the organisation database on Detrack’s web App.

  2. Able to utilize the filter and search functions.

  3. No editing and uploading rights.


  1. Has access to all the information in the organisation database on Detrack’s web App.

  2. Able to utilize the filter and search functions.

  3. Able to assign drivers to deliveries.

  4. No editing and uploading rights.

The Owner account will be the only person who has the rights to access the Settings, Add Users, Add Vehicles and access the Billing section. The Manager can do all the operational tasks with the exception of the additional access rights the Owner has as mentioned above.

The CSO and Customer will be able to view all the data and search for a particular delivery but without any editing rights.


First log into Detrack’s dashboard,

  1. Click on the tab Users.

  2. Click on Add User.

  3. Enter in their Name, Email and Role assigned.

  4. If you have created a user group for this user, select the Groups and click Save.

For users who have an existing Detrack account, you will be able to switch views from your personal account to the organization where you have been added as a user (Manager, CSO or Customer) by clicking on the top right tab and selecting the organization view you wish to have from a drop-down menu.

For newly added users who do not have an existing account with Detrack, an email will be sent for this new user to create a password to access the organization’s Detrack dashboard.

Kindly note that the link in the email will expire in 24 hrs, but can be regenerated through the forget password link -


  1. Click on Trash button.

  2. Click Yes to confirm remove user. The user will be removed from the user list.

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