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How To Mass Update Job Information - E.g. Status, Date, And Assign To
Fin avatar
Written by Fin
Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to mass update the jobs values at one go in the system so that you do not have to open each and every job to make the change.

  1. To mass update many jobs at a time, click on Jobs > Bulk Update option.

  2. Under the Jobs Selection section, copy and paste the jobs D.O. No. in the text box. Enter one D.O.No. per line. You can also use a barcode scanner to input the D.O. No. Plug in the barcode scanner, click on the text box and start clicking the scanner. The D.O. No. will be captured in the text box.

Date When this date is selected, only the jobs on this date will be updated. If this field is left blank, all the jobs with the matching D.O. No. will be updated regardless of date.

Type Select the type of job (delivery or collection) you want to update.

In the Jobs Update Preview section, select or enter the fields that you want to update and click the Preview button. There are 9 fields that you can update, they are:

  1. Status

  2. Invoice No.

  3. Date

  4. Start Date

  5. Assign To

  6. Run No.

  7. Job Type

  8. Weight

  9. Group

Once you have clicked the Preview button, a list of the selected jobs will be shown with the current and the new value to be changed.

Click the Confirm button to update. The new values will be updated in the job list.

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