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How To Import Jobs Across Different Dates
Fin avatar
Written by Fin
Updated over a week ago

Instead of importing your jobs on a daily basis, you can import your jobs across days in one CSV or Excel manifest. You can also import collections and deliveries in one file.

To import jobs across days via an Excel or CSV file, you need to create 2 mandatory columns for “Type” (referring to job type, either Delivery or Collection) and “Date”. For the “Date” column in your Excel or CSV file, you need to populate the dates in a consistent format; with the default format being YYYY-MM-DD (on your Detrack Dashboard > Jobs > Import Jobs).


If you would like to change the date format, you can do so at Settings > Job > Options > Date Format, from there you can select between 7 formats in the drop-down menu.


By default, the headers settings will take reference from your Delivery settings for importing.

If you wish for the systems to separately take the Delivery and Collection headers for importing your file, navigate to Settings > Collection > Switch on “Use collection headers for cross date import” > Save.

Thereafter, when the “Detrack Job Type” (either “Delivery” or “Collection”) is being specified, it will take reference from the Delivery or Collection headers respectively.

To import jobs across different dates:

  1. Click on Jobs > Import Jobs.

  2. Select your file for import.

  3. Click Import.

  4. The results will appear in the Import Results section.

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