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How To Add A Collection
Fin avatar
Written by Fin
Updated over a week ago

In your admin dashboard, click on the Jobs tab and select Calendar. Next click on the date of the collection on the calendar, followed by Collections tab. Click the Add Collection button to reveal an Add Collection form.

Date is the date the collection is scheduled to be made. Changing the date here will move the collection to the new date.

D.O. No. is the delivery (collection) order number or any ID that uniquely identifies the collection. This is usually set to the delivery (collection) order number reflected on your paper D.O. so that your driver can easily cross-reference when submitting POD.

Collect From is the sender’s name or who to collect from. This can be an individual name or a company name or both e.g. Dason Goh (Detrack Systems Pte. Ltd.) and it is used by your driver to cross-reference when submitting POD.

Address is the street address of the collection location. This address will be used for sorting of jobs and for launching GPS navigation (from driver’s current location to this address). Note: always include country name, preferably at the end, for accurate results.

Job Time is an indication of when the collection should be collected. This is used for displaying purposes i.e. displayed on job list view as well as single collection detail view for your driver’s reference.

Tracking No. is a number or any ID that uniquely tracks the collection. This number can be the invoice number, purchase number or any phone that is used to track the collection.

Phone is the contact number of the sender. This allows the driver to call the sender directly from the app.

Notify Email is the email address where the customer-facing collection notification will be sent to upon completion of the collection. Set this only if you wish to send a collection notification to your customer. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

Webhook URL is the URL that you want collections status data to be posted. Once the URL has been filled in, live data will be posted to the URL.

Instructions is any special instructions for the driver to follow with regards to this collection. This could be the customer’s request to call upon arriving at collection location or to look for a particular person in charge.

Assign to is to select which vehicle the collection is to be assigned. You can choose to assign the collection to a vehicle now or later on when the schedule is ready. Once the collection is assigned, it will be reflected in the Detrack app on the assigned phone.

Zone is the zone e.g. North, South, East, West, etc. of the collection location. This can be used to filter the collections for easier viewing. (Coming soon!)

SKU, Item Description and Quantity are optional and only required if you are providing item details for the collection. SKU is the stock keeping unit or item number / code. Item Description is the description of the item and Quantity is how many of the items to be collected. Click the Add button to add more items.

Once the collections have been imported, they will appear in the Detrack app of the respective assigned drivers’ phones. The Detrack app must be started and newly imported collections may take up to two minutes to appear.

Once the collections have been imported, they will appear in the Detrack app of the respective assigned drivers’ phones. The Detrack app must be started and newly imported collections may take up to two minutes to appear.

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