API Key | Dashboard Field | Description | Data Type | Example |
id | Not Shown | Unique identifier of the job assigned by Detrack upon job creation. Primary key. | String | 5b22055510c92b1a046ece04 |
type | Detrack Job Type | Acceptable values:
Default: Delivery | String | Delivery |
primary_job_status | Primary Job Status | Available options:
| String | dispatched |
open_to_marketplace | Open to Marketplace | For indicating whether the job can appear in the marketplace for drivers to select. | Boolean | 1 |
marketplace_offer | Marketplace Offer | Refers to the price/offer for drivers when shown on the marketplace. | Float | 1.5 |
do_number | D.O. No. | Unique identifier for the job. | String | DO123 |
attempt | Attempt | Number of times the job has been attempted. | Integer | 1 |
date | Date | Date for performing the job. | Date | 2019-12-24 |
start_date | Start Date | By default, it will be the same as the Date for performing the Delivery/Collection. | Date | 2019-12-24 |
job_age | Job Age | For | Integer | 1 |
job_release_time | Job Release Time | Refers to the timing for the job to appear in the Driver App. | Time | 09:00 AM |
job_time | Job Time | The duration of the job. | String | 30 mins |
time_window | Time Window | The time window for performing the job. | String | 0900 – 1100 hrs |
job_received_date | Job Received Date | Date when the job was received. | Date | 2019-12-24 |
tracking_number | Tracking No. | Tracking Number of the job. Can be used for tracking via Tracking Widget once setting is enabled. | String | T123 |
order_number | Order No. | Order Number of the job. | String | O123 |
job_type | Job Type | The job type of the job. | String | Urgent |
job_sequence | Job Sequence | For controlling the index of the jobs appearing in the Driver App. | Float | 10.5 |
job_fee | Job Fee | The amount for performing the delivery. | String | 100 |
address_lat | Address Latitude | The latitude of the job | Float | 1.3356456 |
address_lng | Address Longitude | The longitude of the job | Float | 103.9095161 |
address | Address | The address of the job. | String | 61 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park Singapore 417943 |
company_name | Company Name | The name of the company. | String | ABC Company |
address_1 | Address 1 | Part of “Line Address”. | String | 61 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 |
Address 2 | address_2 | Part of “Line Address”. | String | #04-34 |
address_3 | Address 3 | Part of “Line Address”. | String | Shun Li Industrial Park |
postal_code | Postal Code | Part of “Line Address”. | String | 417943 |
city | City | Part of “Line Address”. | String | Singapore |
state | State | Part of “Line Address”. | String | Singapore |
country | Country | Part of “Line Address”. | String | Singapore |
billing_address | Billing Address | Billing address for collection of payment. | String | 61 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park Singapore 417943 |
deliver_to_collect_from | Deliver To / Collect From | The name of the Recipient or Sender. | String | Patrick |
last_name | Last Name | The last name of the Recipient or Sender. | String | Parker |
phone_number | Phone No. | The phone number of the Recipient or Sender. | String | 912345678 |
sender_phone_number | Sender Phone No. | The phone number which the text/sms notifications will be sent from. | String | 912345678 |
fax_number | Fax No. | The fax number of the customer of the job. | String | 912345678 |
instructions | Instructions | Text for your driver in the Driver App. | String | Call the recipient upon arrival. |
assign_to | Assign To | The vehicle/driver assigned to the job. | String | Driver1 |
notify_email | Notify Email | The email address/es to send notifications to. | String | |
webhook_url | Webhook URL | Webhook URL for receiving the webhook PUSH notifications from Detrack. | String | |
zone | Zone | The zone of the job. | String | North |
customer | Customer | The name of the customer. | String | Peter |
account_number | Account No. | The account number of the customer for the job. | String | ACC123 |
job_owner | Job Owner | The requestor/owner of the job. | String | Mary |
invoice_number | Invoice No. | The invoice number of the job. | String | Inv123 |
invoice_amount | Invoice Amount | The amount for the job invoice. | Float | 1.5 |
payment_mode | Payment Mode | The mode of payment for the job. | String | Cash on delivery |
payment_amount | Payment Amount | The amount to be collected for the job. | Float | 1.5 |
group | Group | Refers to the groups created under Users > Groups. | String | Group1 |
source | Source | The place where the item of the job originated from. | String | Jack’s place |
weight | Weight | Weight of the package. You can enable the weight to appear on the Driver App under Settings > Job > Fields. | Float | 1.5 |
parcel_width | Parcel Width | Width of parcel. (centimeters) | Integer | 1 |
parcel_length | Parcel Length | Length of parcel. (centimeters) | Integer | 2 |
parcel_height | Parcel Height | Height of parcel. (centimeters) | Integer | 3 |
cubic_meters | CBM | Cubic Meters/Volume of parcel/item. (cubic meters) | Float | 0.000006 |
boxes | Boxes | Description of boxes. | String | Big medium small |
cartons | Cartons | Number of Cartons. | Integer | 1 |
pieces | Pieces | Number of Pieces. | Integer | 1 |
envelopes | Envelopes | Number of Envelopes. | Integer | 1 |
pallets | Pallets | Number of Pallets. | Integer | 1 |
bins | Bins | Number of Bins. | Integer | 1 |
trays | Trays | Number of Trays. | Integer | 1 |
bundles | Bundles | Number of Bundles. | Integer | 1 |
rolls | Rolls | Number of Rolls. | Integer | 1 |
number_of_shipping_labels | No. of Shipping Labels | Number of copies of shipping labels to be generated. | Integer | 1 |
attachment_url | Attachment URL | URL link for attachment to be shown in Driver App. | String | |
detrack_number | Detrack No. | Unique Detrack number that is assigned by Detrack upon job creation. | String | DET123456789 |
status | Job Status | Available values:
| String | info_recv |
tracking_status | Tracking Status |
| String | info_recv |
reason | Reason | Reasons for job failure / Item rejection. | String | Recipient not in. |
received_by_sent_by | Received By | Name of the signature bearer captured from the Driver App. | String | Bob |
note | Note | Text entered by driver though the Driver App. | String | This is a note. |
carrier | Carrier | The courier company performing the job. | String | ABC Logistics |
pod_lat | POD Latitude | The Latitude of | Float | 1.3356456 |
pod_lng | POD Longitude | The Longitude of | Float | 103.9095161 |
pod_address | POD Address | The string address of where the POD is performed. From | String | 1 Raffles Blvd, Singapore 039593 |
address_tracked_at | Address Tracked At | The last timing of address when the vehicle is tracked at. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
arrived_lat | Arrived Latitude | The Latitude where driver triggered Arrived at on Driver App. | Float | 1.3356456 |
arrived_lng | Arrived Longitude | The Longitude where driver triggered Arrived at with Driver App. | Float | 103.9095161 |
arrived_address | Arrived Address | The address where driver entered Arrived at with Driver App. | String | 1 Raffles Blvd, Singapore 039593 |
arrived_at | Arrived At | The timing when driver triggered Arrived at with Driver App. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
texted_at | Texted At | The timing when driver sends text through Driver App. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
called_at | Called At | The timing when driver calls through Driver App. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
serial_number | Serial No. | Serial No. of the job item. | String | SN123 |
signature_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the signature image file. | String | |
photo_1_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 1 image file. | String | |
photo_2_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 2 image file. | String | |
photo_3_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 3 image file. | String | |
photo_4_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 4 image file. | String | |
photo_5_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 5 image file. | String | |
photo_6_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 6 image file. | String | |
photo_7_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 7 image file. | String | |
photo_8_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 8 image file. | String | |
photo_9_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 9 image file. | String | |
photo_10_file_url | Not Shown | URL to retrieve the photo 10 image file. | String | |
signed_at | Signed At | Timing when Driver submits job completion. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_1_at | Photo 1 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 1. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_2_at | Photo 2 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 2. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_3_at | Photo 3 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 3. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_4_at | Photo 4 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 4. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_5_at | Photo 5 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 5. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_6_at | Photo 6 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 6. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_7_at | Photo 7 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 7. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_8_at | Photo 8 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 8. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_9_at | Photo 9 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 9. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
photo_10_at | Photo 10 At | Timing when Driver takes Photo 10. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
actual_weight | Actual Weight | The weight entered through the Driver App. | Float | 1.5 |
temperature | Temperature | The temperature entered through the Driver App. | Float | 1.5 |
hold_time | Hold Time | Users can enter the hold time for a job on the dashboard. | Float | 1.5 |
payment_collected | Payment Collected | The payment amount collected, entered through the Driver App. | Float | 1.5 |
auto_reschedule | Auto Reschedule | Indicates whether the job will be carried forward to the subsequent day at 12 midnight under certain conditions. | Boolean | 1 |
actual_crates | Actual Crates | The number of crates entered through the Driver App. | Integer | 10 |
actual_pallets | Actual Pallets | The number of pallets entered through the Driver App. | Integer | 10 |
actual_utilization | Actual Utilization | The number of utilization entered through the Driver App. | Float | 1.5 |
goods_service_rating | Goods / Service Rating | Goods service rating performed by your customers. | Integer | 5 |
driver_rating | Driver Rating | Driver rating performed by your customers. | Integer | 5 |
customer_feedback | Customer Feedback | Customer feedback provided by your customers. | String | Good job. I like the service. |
eta_time | ETA Time | Estimated time of arrival of the job. | String | 12:00 |
live_eta | Live ETA | The Live ETA will be based on the differences between the ETA entered for the job form and the POD time submitted from the previous jobs. For instance, if the ETA Time of the previous job is late by 30 mins, and the ETA Time of the current job in 12:00, the Live ETA will be 12:30. | Time | 12:30 |
depot | Depot | Name of depot for the job. | String | Warehouse 1 |
depot_contact | Depot Contact | Contact number / person for the depot. | String | Jerry |
department | Department | Department to deliver to for the job. | String | Marketing |
sales_person | Sales Person | The sales person for the job. | String | Adam |
identification_number | Identification No. | Identification no for the recipient. | String | ID123 |
bank_prefix | Bank Prefix | Prefix for the bank no. | String | BK123 |
run_number | Run No. | The run number which the job belongs to. | String | 1 |
head_to_delivery_at | Not Shown | Timing when the driver triggers the “Head to location” in Driver App for Delivery job. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T13:40:00.995+08:00 |
head_to_pick_up_at | Not Shown | Timing when the driver triggers the “Head to location” in Driver App for Collection job. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T13:40:00.995+08:00 |
pod_at | Not Shown | The timing when the POD was performed on driver’s app. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
pod_time | POD Time | The timing when the POD was performed on driver’s app. | Time | 11:34 AM |
job_price | Job Price | Price of the job. | String | 100 |
insurance_price | Insurance Price | Price of insurance. | String | 100 |
insurance_coverage | Insurance Coverage | The Insurance coverage for the job. | Boolean | 1 |
total_price | Total Price | Total price amount for the job. | String | 100 |
payer_type | Payer Type | To indicate the payer of the job.
Acceptable values:
| String | Buyer |
remarks | Remarks | Remarks for the job. | String | Peter wish to extend the payment. |
items_count | Items Count | Number of entries in the Item Details list. | Integer | 10 |
service_type | Service Type | Service type of the job. | String | Express delivery |
warehouse_address | Warehouse Address | The address of the warehouse. | String | 61 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park Singapore 417943 |
destination_time_window | Destination Time Window | The time window for the driver to arrive at delivery/collection location. | String | 1400 – 1500 |
door | Door | Which door for the driver to use at delivery / collection. | String | Backdoor |
time_zone | Time Zone | Time zone of the job. For use if you are performing cross-zone jobs. | String | Singapore |
priority | Priority | Priority of the job. | Integer | 1 |
service_time | Service Time | Service time to perform the job. | Integer | 10 |
created_at | Not Shown | Timing when the job is created. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T11:34:05.417+08:00 |
driver_mobile_number | Not Shown | Mobile number of the driver assigned to the job. | String | 912345678 |
reattempted | Not Shown | Indicates whether the job has been reattempted. | Boolean | 1 |
tracking_link | Tracking Link | Tracking link for the job for Tap to Track feature. | String | |
available_statuses | Not Shown |
| Object of Strings | { |
contactless_signature_link | Not Shown | URL link to contactless signature for customer to sign remotely. | String | |
verification_code | Not Shown | Random number that is being generated for the job. For use in Driver App prior to completing / failing the job. | String | 1234 |
vehicle_type | Vehicle Type | Information on the type of vehicle used for servicing the job. | String | Truck |
geofence_ack_at | Geofence Acknowledged At | Time when the geofence acknowledgement was performed. Related to | Date Time | 021-10-11T12:00:00.800+08:00 |
geofence_ack_lat | Geofence Latitude | Latitude where the geofence acknowledgement was performed. Related to | Float | 1.3371668284455491 |
geofence_ack_lng | Geofence Longitude | Longitude where the geofence acknowledgement was performed. Related to | Float | 103.91120365483371 |
mass_pod | Mass POD Submission | Indicates whether was the job performed completed by “Mass POD” feature in Driver App. | Boolean | true |
pod_gps_status | Vehicle GPS Status | Indicates whether was the device location (GPS) being available during submission of job using the Driver App. | Boolean | true |
pod_gps_permission | Vehicle GPS Permission | indicates whether was the Driver App given the permission to access location settings (GPS). | Boolean | true |
Only Applicable to Special Courier Mode
API Key | Dashboard Field | Description | Data Type | Example |
pick_up_from | Pick Up From | Person to collect the item from. | String | Mary |
pick_up_time | Pick Up Time | Time when the job is supposed to be collected. | String | 16:00 |
pick_up_lat | Pick Up Latitude | The latitude of the | Float | 1.3335305 |
pick_up_lng | Pick Up Longitude | The longitude of the | Float | 103.9573483 |
pick_up_address | Pick Up Address | The address to perform the collection. | String | Dummy Address1 |
pick_up_address_1 | Pick Up Address 1 | Part of “Line Pick Up Address”. | String | Blk 123 |
pick_up_address_2 | Pick Up Address 2 | Part of “Line Pick Up Address”. | String | Dummy Street |
pick_up_address_3 | Pick Up Address 3 | Part of “Line Pick Up Address”. | String | #12-456 |
pick_up_city | Pick Up City | Part of “Line Pick Up Address”. | String | Singapore |
pick_up_state | Pick Up State | Part of “Line Pick Up Address”. | String | Singapore |
pick_up_country | Pick Up Country | Part of “Line Pick Up Address”. | String | Singapore |
pick_up_postal_code | Pick Up Postal Code | Part of “Line Pick Up Address”. | String | 123456 |
pick_up_zone | Pick Up Zone | Zone of the pick up. | String | East |
pick_up_assign_to | Not Shown | The driver being assign to perform the pick-up portion of the job. | String | Vehicle1 |
pick_up_reason | Pick Up Reason | Reason for failing the pick-up portion of the job. | String | Recipient is not in. |
pick_up_at | Pick Up At | Time when the pick-up occurred. | Date Time | 2020-02-27T13:34:56.619+08:00″ |
locker_address | Locker Address | Address of PICK locker | String |
locker_lat | Locker latitude | Latitude of PICK locker | Float |
locker_lng | Locker longitude | Latitude of PICK locker | Float |
locker_transaction _id | Locker Transaction ID | Transaction ID from PICK locker | String |
locker_transaction | Locker Transaction | Transaction from PICK locker | String |
locker_station | Locker Station | Station of PICK locker | String |
locker_error | Locker Error | Error from PICK locker | String |
Corresponds to the entries in the Items Details
API Key | Dashboard Field | Description | Data Type | Example |
id | Not Shown | Unique identifier created by Detrack for the item. | String | 5b22055510c92b1a046ece06 |
sku | SKU | Stock keeping unit. Usually it is the item barcode. | String | SKU123 |
purchase_order_number | Item P.O. No. | Item purchase order number. | String | PO123 |
batch_number | Item Batch No. | Item batch number. | String | Batch123 |
expiry_date | Expiry Date | Expiry date of item. | String | 2019-12-24 |
description | Item Description | Description of the item. | String | Apple |
comments | Comments | Comments of the item. | String | Black and juicy. |
quantity | Quantity | Number of items. | Integer | 10 |
unit_of_measure | Unit of Measure | The measuring unit for the item e.g. box, kg, each, pkg | String | EA |
checked | Item Checked | Will be check if driver uses the driver’s app to check if item belongs to that job based on SKU. | Boolean | 1 |
actual_quantity | Actual Quantity | The quantity entered by the driver through the driver’s app under the job > items. | Integer | 10 |
inbound_quantity | Inbound Quantity | For inbound items, e.g. to indicate that the items has yet to finish processing after job completion. | Integer | 10 |
unload_time_estimate | Unload Time Estimate | Estimated time taken to unload items for delivery/collection. | Integer | 10 |
unload_time_actual | Unload Time Actual | The actual time taken to unload items for delivery/collection. | Integer | 10 |
follow_up_quantity | Follow Up Quantity | For follow up quantity after completing the job. | Integer | 10 |
follow_up_reason | Follow Up Reason | Reason for follow up items. | String | Reason1 |
rework_quantity | Rework Quantity | For changing of item quantity after completing the job. | Integer | 10 |
rework_reason | Rework Reason | Reason for reworking the quantity. | String | Reason1 |
reject_quantity | Reject Quantity | The number of the rejected item. | Integer | 10 |
reject_reason | Item Reject Reason | The reason why the item was rejected. Can be edited under Settings > Delivery / Collection > Reasons. | String | Reason1 |
weight | Item Weight | The weight of the item. | Integer | 10 |
serial_numbers | Item Serial No. | Item serial number captured through Driver App. | String | SN123 |
minimum_quantity | Minimum Quantity | The minimum quantity of this entry. | Float | 1.11 |
unit_price | Unit Price | Price per unit. | Float | 2.22 |
fixed_price | Fixed Price | Fixed price of item | Float | 3.33 |
Corresponds to the history of the job.
API Key | Dashboard Field | Description | Data Type | Example |
status | Status | Available Values:
| String | info_recv |
assign_to | Driver | The | String | Driver1 |
reason | Reason | Reason for failing the job, or when signature is not being captured for the job. |
pod_lat | Not Shown | Latitude of | Float | 1.3369258 |
pod_lng | Not Shown | Longitude | Float | 103.910547 |
pod_address | Not Shown | String address from | String | 61 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, Singapore 417943 |
pod_at | Proof | Timing when the event was performed. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T13:55:30.583+08:00 |
created_at | Date / Time | Timing when the event was created. | Date Time | 2019-12-24T13:55:30.583+08:00 |
user_name | User | Name of the user performing the action that triggers the change of event. | String | User1 |